Brandan "bmike" Odums
Eternal Seeds
Carrie Joy “CJ” Grimes is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of WorkMoney, a national organization dedicated to improving people’s financial lives across America. Growing up in a working- and middle-class family from the Midwest and Appalachia, CJ was steeped in the notion that hard work creates opportunity, but found herself deeply concerned that many people were increasingly unable to afford to live good lives. As the National Organizing Director of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), she helped launch the Fight for $15 to increase the minimum wage. At WorkMoney, she helps people raise their incomes and lower their costs.
About WorkMoney
WorkMoney is a national nonprofit of more than 7 million members focused on increasing financial security for individuals and families across the country. WorkMoney delivers financial advice, economic policy information, and a suite of services to members, helping them improve their finances and engage in advocacy for policies that make living more affordable. With members in all 50 states, WorkMoney is transforming people’s bank accounts—and their sense of civic power.
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