Dial Fellowship
Calvin Crosby works to ensure that all people have access to the transformative power of books.
Calvin Crosby discovered his love of books while growing up in challenging circumstances. Living below the poverty line in Salt Lake City, Crosby’s grandmother—who was herself illiterate—never failed to give him her last dime to buy a book at the thrift store. Books became a source of solace, pleasure, and hope, and as an adult, Crosby’s passion for books led him to become an independent bookseller in California. But when he learned The King's English, the beloved local bookstore that nurtured his own relationship with books, was for sale, he knew he had to return to Utah.
Today, Crosby is the co-owner of The King’s English and the Executive Director of Brain Food Books, a non-profit dedicated to making books accessible to underserved populations. After initially providing books through community pediatric clinics, under Crosby’s guidance, Brain Food Books has expanded to serve homeless, immigrant, and Native communities in several school districts. Making books available to everyone is the culmination of Crosby’s 30 years of experience selling books—and many more of simply loving them.
Calvin Crosby turns the page on literacy access barriers, leading programs that bring books to marginalized communities.