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If farmworkers pick the food, shouldn’t they get a seat at the table?

Listen to Episode 16 of Almost There with guest Diana Tellefson Torres: If farmworkers pick the food, shouldn’t they get a seat at the table?

Tonight at dinner, you are likely to eat something that was picked by a farmworker. This is back-breaking work, involving long hours in the hot sun. And yet farmworkers, many of whom are immigrants to the U.S., often do not have basic workplace protections like heat standards or overtime pay. “The cruel irony in this country is that the very people who nourish us often can’t afford to put food on their own table,” says Diana Tellefson Torres. The granddaughter of a migrant worker herself, Diana’s work at the UFW Foundation is helping ensure farmworkers have a voice in the conversation about their labor and their rights. 

In this episode, Diana tells Dwayne the story of her own family’s journey to the U.S.; what she has learned from the farmworkers she meets every day; and why we should all know the stories of the people who picked the food on our dinner tables. 

For more on the work of our guest, Diana Tellefson Torres:

Learn more about Diana Tellefson Torres

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