The power of the collective

Emerson Collective is a company that invests in entrepreneurs and innovators driven by purpose and a sense of possibility, working to create a world of abundance for future generations.
Complex challenges in education and economic mobility, immigration and the environment require audacious ideas, rigorous thinking and hard work. At EC, we are proud to partner with those taking big swings.
- Laurene Powell JobsFounder and President
- Flav AbellanaManager, FP&A, Finance
- Carlos AgostaIT Support Engineer, Information Technology
- Rahul AgrawalSenior Director, Workplace Experience and Facilities
- Kafia AhmedSenior Event Manager, Events
- George AlbrechtSenior CRM Developer, Information Technology
- Limantis AlcantaraFront Desk Receptionist, Workplace Experience
- Russlynn AliManaging Director, Education Fund
- Ahely AllendeDirector, Immigration, Philanthropy
- William AmesDirector, Bookstores & Book Access, Philanthropy
- Kat AndersonInvestment Counsel, Legal
- Jennifer ArceneauxSenior Director, Culture Council
- Christin ArthurExecutive Assistant and Analyst, Research
- Maru Zurlo BalbiExecutive Assistant, Immigration
- Samantha BangsSenior Manager, Events
- Julien BarberSenior Associate, Energy & Environment, Venture Investing
- Dan BaumSenior Director of Operations, Finance
- Aaron BeagleIT Support Engineer, Information Technology
- Kevin BelzIT Support Engineer, Information Technology
- Armen BerjiklyInvesting Partner, Venture
- Mia BernardinoDirector, Real Estate Investments, East Palo Alto
- Ariane BertrandSenior Director, Thriving Communities, East Palo Alto
- Cheryl BlanchetteDirector, Social Innovation, Philanthropy
- Rebecca Blanck-WeissSite Operations Manager, Workplace Experience
- Andy BlancoSenior Product Manager
- Scott BromleyVenture Investing, Media
- Emily Bronkesh-BuchbinderSenior Director, Creative Strategy and Insights, Brand Creative Studio
- Christy BrookManaging Director, General Counsel
- Michael BruceSenior Director, Venture Investing (Environment & Energy)
- Anne Marie BurgoyneManaging Director, Philanthropy
- Alex BurkeDirector, Communications and Insight System, Engineering
- Ariadne CaldwellExecutive Assistant, Events
- Britt CarmonManager, Policy and Government Affairs
- Maura CarrickEvents Associate
- Tanya CarterExecutive Assistant to Managing Director, Special Projects, & Supporting Chief Operating Officer
- Elka ChamberlinDirector, Portfolio Services, Venture Investing
- Tiffany ChaoAnalyst, Portfolio Support, Venture Investing
- Diana ChavezFund Accounting Manager, Finance
- Abbye ChurchillCo-Director, Program
- Gui ClementeAnalyst, Finance
- Brad ColbyExecutive Assistant, Philanthropy
- Marshall CraigmyleEvents AV Technician, Information Technology
- Tytiana CurtainPolicy Analyst, Policy and Government Affairs
- Katy CutrightDirector, Project Development, Communications and Campaigns
- Rhea DattaInvestment Associate, Venture
- Michael DavidsonDirector, Talent Management, People
- Eric DaytonSenior Product Manager, CRM, Engineering
- Jonaz Dela CruzIT Support Engineer
- Connie DengAssociate Director, Venture Investing
- Megan DinoSenior Program Manager, Fellowships
- Shannon DowDirector, Program Management, Brand Creative Studio
- Michael DowdData Scientist, Engineering
- Arne DuncanManaging Director, CRED
- Kevin DupzykSenior Editor, Fellowships
- Patrick D’ArcySenior Director, Fellowships and Portfolio Communications
- Emily EaklandVenue Director, Events
- Abby ElgieIT System Administrator, Information Technology
- Adina EllisDirector, Communications, Finance
- Jeff EnssleEvents AV Technician, Information Technology
- Jorge EscobarSenior Director of Engineering, Engineering
- Scott ExnerIn-House Counsel, Legal
- Priyanka FalorAssistant Controller, Finance
- Jeano FedeExperience Associate
- Katherine FetscherSenior Associate, Venture Investing
- Marshall FitzManaging Director, Immigration
- Victoria FrederickProduction Manager, Culture Council
- Matt FreedmanFund Assistant Controller, Finance
- Monica FuentesDirector, Strategy and Policy, Immigration
- Charlotte FullerDirector, Communications & Campaigns
- Desiree FurnessExecutive Assistant to Managing Director, Immigration
- Richard GaglianoDirector, Events
- Teresa GarciaDirector for Government Relations, Latin America, Immigration
- Brittnee GauthierManager, Thriving Communities, East Palo Alto
- Jesse GazzuoloSenior Creative Director, Brand Creative Studio
- Allison GhajarSenior Director, Student Opportunity, Philanthropy
- Dingli GrahamHead of Asset Management, Finance
- Will GreerAnalyst, Bookstores & Book Access, Philanthropy
- Nishickia GriddleSupport Engineer, Information Technology
- Chad GriffinManaging Director, Innovation and Impact
- Elena HaleManaging Director, Chief Brand and Creative Officer
- Dana Hall-MurphyDirector, Programs, Sycamore & Oak
- Steph HannonHead of Product
- Cambria HayashinoDirector of Scheduling
- Tammekca HendersonSenior Manager, People Operations
- Hanna HensonSenior IT Support Engineer, Information Technology
- Sami HigginsSocial Media Director, Communications and Campaigns
- Rebecca HopeDirector, Global Health, Philanthropy
- Federica HughesExecutive Assistant to Chief Technology Officer
- Jim HugoSenior Director, Operations
- Emily HydenSenior Specialist, Workplace Hospitality
- Anna IannaroneSenior Manager of Payroll, Finance
- Albert IgnacioCreative Director, Brand Creative Studio
- Marissa JenningsManager, Partnerships and Alumni Engagement, Youth and Community Engagement
- John JoaninoSenior Manager, Innovation and Impact
- Liz JohnsonSenior Director, Policy & Government Affairs
- Jennifer JonesExecutive Assistant, Media
- George KaneGeneral Manager, Education Ventures, Ed-Tech
- Zeena KarimSenior Manager, Events Communications and Platforms, Events
- Joe KennedySenior Advisor
- Doug KhongIT Support Engineer, Information Technology
- Marie KimExecutive Assistant, Venture Investing
- Barbara KinneySenior Photographer & Photo Editor, Brand Creative Studio
- Gabe KleinmanSenior Director, Venture Investing
- James KlevenSenior Director, People Operations
- Chris KlostermanDesign Director, Brand Creative Studio
- Stephen KolarSenior Director, Financial Planning and Analysis, Finance
- Eric KoshimizuProducer, Brand Creative Studio
- Raffi KrikorianManaging Director, Chief Technology Officer
- Eva LamAdministrative Specialist
- Peter LattmanManaging Director, Media
- Mele K. LatuSenior Manager, Community Collaborations, East Palo Alto
- Peter LautenSenior Director, Head of Equity Research
- Joanna LichterAssociate Director, Venture Investing
- Logan LingExperience Associate
- Saya LinneyAnalyst, Social Innovation, Philanthropy
- Dawn LippertSenior Climate Advisor & CEO, Elemental Impact
- Laurence LittletonIT Manager, Information Technology
- Colin LiuAnalyst, Education, Philanthropy
- Kenny LoSenior IT Support Engineer, Information Technology
- Jennifer Lovely-RamosExecutive Assistant, Brand Creative Studio
- Olivia LunaTalent Operations Specialist
- Ana MacouzetSenior Director, Regional Migration, Immigration
- Raph MajmaDirector, Immigration Technology
- Jasmin MaloneSenior Director, Research and Strategy, Engineering
- Fern MandelbaumManaging Director, Venture Investing
- Claudia MarconiExecutive Assistant, Policy & Government Affairs Liaison
- Madeline MarottoDirector, Executive Producer, Brand Creative Studio
- Courtney MarshSenior Analyst, Social Innovation, Philanthropy
- Alejandro (Ale) Martín RodríguezManager, Climate Migration
- Kelly MayExecutive Assistant & Associate, Communications and Campaigns
- Todd McDanielIT System Administrator, Information Technology
- Steve McDermidManaging Director, Venture Investing
- Tanya MitrofanovaCRM Developer, Engineering
- Alicia Molt-WestSenior Director, Policy and Government Affairs
- Rachel MooneyDirector, Information Technology
- Justino MoraSenior Full Stack Software Engineer, Engineering
- Luisa MoralesSenior Software Engineer, Engineering
- Tyler MoranManaging Director, Policy and Government Affairs
- Ashley MorganDirector, Communications and Campaigns
- Sydney MosesSupport Engineer, Information Technology
- Christopher MurrayAccounts Payable Analyst, Finance
- Jim MylenSenior Advisor, Education, Ed-Tech
- Carman NareauProduct Portfolio Manager, Engineering
- Rudi NavarraSenior Director, Environment & Communities, Philanthropy
- Annette NavarroSenior Accountant, Finance
- Diedra NelsonManaging Director, Chief Operating Officer
- Arianne NicholManaging Director, Events
- Katrena O’ConnorExperience Associate
- Faisal OjjehAnalyst, Political
- Christine OlsenExecutive Assistant to Chief of Staff & Managing Director, Strategy
- Elizabeth O'MalleySenior Portfolio Manager, Culture Council
- Lola OyzboydController, Finance
- Sofia Palumbo-DawsonEvents Manager, Events
- Hannah Passafuime LovettDirector, Youth and Community Engagement
- Kristen PerezAnalyst, Immigration, Philanthropy
- Angela PerrySenior Director, People
- Kimmy PhanSenior Analyst, Social Innovation, Philanthropy
- Heather PiccottoAdministrative Specialist, Philanthropy
- Amanda PiresDirector, Communications & Campaigns
- Jessica PinateHR Manager, People
- Sarah PintoSenior Director, Venture Investing
- Zevin PolzinSenior Web Application Developer, Engineering
- Brad PowellManaging Director, Investments
- Naomi PowellCoordinator, Fellowships and Nonprofit Media
- Chris QuinnSenior Manager, Workplace Experience
- Sarah RahmanChief of Staff and Senior Director, Philanthropy
- Jerrel RamosSenior Salesforce Administrator
- Tye RattenburySenior Director, Data
- Robin ReckManaging Director, Communications and Campaigns
- Elena RemezPolicy Analyst
- Daniel ReyesDirector, Education, Philanthropy
- Renae RicoExecutive Assistant to the COO
- Courtney RochelleSpecial Assistant to the President
- Tara RomigEvent Manager, Events
- Stacey RubinChief of Staff & Managing Director, Strategy
- Brenda SalasOperations Manager, Internship Program
- Mariana SalemVenue Director, Events
- Camila SalvadorImmigration Policy and Communications Analyst, Immigration
- Rodney ScaifeManaging Director, Head of People
- Susy SchoenebergDirector, Venture Investing
- Michael SchrumSenior Director, Political
- Sophie SchwartzAssociate, Political & Campaigns
- Katie Sempek PalefskyDirector, Philanthropy Operations, Philanthropy
- Marc SepamaSenior Analyst, Global Health, Philanthropy
- Areeba ShahAnalyst, Nonprofit Journalism, Media
- Sona SharanAnalyst, Venture
- Brianna SheehyExecutive Assistant, Venture
- Ada SimSenior Director, Product, Engineering
- David SimasManaging Director, Research
- Alex SimonDirector, Media Portfolio and Storytelling Partnerships, Media
- Ben SmithExperience Associate
- Erika Sosa-CamposDirector, Student Opportunity, Philanthropy
- Kristine SotoDirector, Creative Development and Production, Brand Creative Studio
- Eleni Estia SpanosManager, Strategy and Operations, Philanthropy
- Elizabeth SpencerExecutive Assistant, Innovation and Impact
- Rich SpottSenior IT Support Engineer, IT Projects
- Marcy StechSenior Director, Portfolio Communications
- Michael StennisDirector, Communications and Campaigns
- Hannah StonebrakerSenior Program Manager, Nonprofit Media
- Shelbi SturgessSenior Director, Events
- Shana TabakDirector, Immigration
- Dan TangherliniManaging Director, Special Projects
- Bryan TollinSenior Counsel, Legal
- Sara ToubianaDirector, Talent Acquisition, People
- Tien TruongManager, IT Projects
- Corinne TsaiAnalyst, Environment & Communities, Philanthropy
- Karra TuluengaSenior Manager, Operations
- Melissa UhlClimate Advisor & Chief Growth Officer, Elemental Impact
- Cassia van der Hoof HolsteinSenior Advisor
- Mark VargasData Engineer, Engineering
- Darla VaughnDirector, Strategy Development, Culture Council
- Allyson VauxExecutive Assistant
- Bri VuPeople Operations Associate, People
- Quoc VuManager, Information Technology
- Alex WangManager of Research
- Nicholas WarmingtonManager, Information Technology
- Jessica WeathersbeeManager, Workplace Hospitality
- Melinda WegentManager, Workplace Hospitality
- Ben WesselDirector, State and Local Political Affairs
- Kylie WheelerSenior Operations Manager, Brand Creative Studio
- Jon WillardSenior Creative Director, Brand Creative Studio
- Ahmad YounusSenior Manager, IT Systems, Information Technology
- Alexandra ZafrisExecutive Assistant, Office of the President
*Although Elemental Impact is related to Emerson Collective, it is a separate entity.